Meet the Team.

Here is JubyLee herself! She was "born" at QEII Silver Jubilee School in Horsham and decoupaged with photos of all the children at the school that year.
Can you see Juby's crown and long eyelashes? She also has sparkly feet!
The school was opened by the late Her Majesty the Queen following her Silver Jubilee.
Kate and Simon
We bake together on Monday afternoons, and we often make the very popular buttery raspberry crumbles or wheat free brownies which are made with masses of Belgian chocolate. Washing up gets rather sticky!
Kate has inherited her mother Kim's baking genius and makes beautiful cupcakes and mini Victorias.
Simon will turn his hand to anything in between trying to watch the TV in the kitchen!
They both made fabulous salt dough decorations for the Warminghurst Christmas Tree Festival 2023.

Alison and Siobhain
Siobhain, and Alison are a formidable team on Tuesday mornings. Sio's brownies and gingerbread people are legendary. They are a brilliant team when it comes to catering. The photo shows the fabulously colourful fruit skewers which they made for an event catering for 100 people.
Siobhain has numerous interests including football and boy bands, Ali is really hot on fashion and has 3 pet bantams named Marigold, Lilac and Ivy - she cares for them beautifully!

Alice Ruby, Luke and Stephen
We're the Tuesday afternoon crack team! We crack on with great speed as well as great care and we share plenty of fun and jokes together. We are always up for trying new bakes with our kitchen leader Beth. Our coffee cake is becoming a hot favourite at all our events!
Luke has fantastic baking, IT and digital art skills, Alice Ruby is really artistic especially with colour and patterns, and a whizz at languages, and Stephen cheers everyone wherever he goes! The pubs in Hove love to welcome him!
They are great ambassadors for JubyLee Bakes. Here they are with Simon and personal assistant Cailin at a College careers event to promote JubyLee Bakes!

Emily, Grace and Sophie.
We have a lots of fun baking together whenever we can. We used to bake regularly, but this year our college timetables mean that we can only get to the kitchen occasionally.
We love to help out with selling bakes whenever we can. Here we are at Pulborough Village Market.
Grace (left) loves drama and singing and excels on stage.
Emily (centre) likes to watch Shakespeare on stage as well as Strictly Come Dancing on TV. She likes to trial new vegetarian foods.
Sophie (right) is a big music fan. She likes to spend time with her boyfriend Tom, and go out to eat with her family. She is also a whizz with the card machine at Pulborough Market, and charms all our customers with her winning smile!
They all make incredible crafts which they sell to raise money for other good causes and they make utterly delicious marmalade with kitchen leader Grainne using real fresh Seville oranges!

Peter, Jeremy and Jenny
We bake at the kitchen on Wednesday afternoons with wonderful ex-chef volunteer Bob.
We are great mates and we all live at the same supported living complex.
We enjoy lots of different activities including cooking and working at our allotment, and we love art.
Peter and Jeremy are ace on the climbing wall.
Peter is brilliant at kite flying, Jeremy is a fantastic skier and cyclist, and Jenny is a wonderful artist who has had her work exhibited and sold!
We are the team who originated JubyLee's famous Ginger Allspice cake! We're pretty good with scones too! Last Christmas we made loads of delicious mince pies, and we look forward to making more this year.

Chloe, Joshua and Kyle
We enjoy baking together on Thursday mornings. We make perfect brownies every time and we are a great team when it comes to catering and serving guests at events. The photo shows Chloe welcoming guests at the High Sheriff's Awards Ceremony at Thakeham Village Hall, and Joshua and Kyle serving Horsham District Council's attendees at a Cost of Living Summit Conference at Ashington Community Centre.
Chloe does lots of volunteering including walking retired greyhounds.
Joshua is active with another wonderfully creative and inclusive disability group called PHAB Friends Charity based in Worthing, and Kyle is always super active with park runs every week, and is about to complete his GOLD Duke of Edinburgh Award!!
Annie and Simon
We are the fab Friday team! We always get on super speedily with baking. We can easily make 6 perfect Rocky Roads in record time! Which leaves quite a bit of time for Simon to annoy Annie!! They are good friends really, and once did a Tough Mudder challenge together, raising funds for our kitchen build.
Annie loves to craft and is very skilled with a sewing machine. She also looks after a large number of rescue dogs, and volunteers at a rescue animal shelter.
Simon does karate, drumming, swimming, badminton, table tennis and running but above all loves to watch TV and play video games!
They are both great ambassadors for JubyLee Bakes.

Annalees and Julie
Julie (left) is our wonderful kitchen and site manager. JubyLee Bakes could not function without all that she does. Annalees (right) is our amazing artist who has supported us from our very beginnings. She has believed in our young people and turned all their artistic ideas into the JubyLee images which we use today on our logo, packaging and merchandise. Annalees and Julie were the team behind our fabulous Warminghurst Christmas Tree.
The Trustees of JubyLee Bakes
(L-R, from top) Basia, Jane, Sue, Helen ( Chair of Trustees ), Ellen (General Manager) , Ann (retired Trustee), Andy, Alyson
- between them, they have decades of experience in teaching, education regulation, counselling, professional cookery, aviation, management, logistics, and medicine, as well as making and eating bakes!
Some of our wonderful volunteer helpers
All our bakers are supported one to one in the kitchen to ensure their safety as well as to ensure the consistently professional quality of our bakes and catering. We could not do this without the large number of parent and non-parent volunteers who give selflessly of their time and expertise. We are also grateful to staff of Willows Butterfly House Horsham and Choice Care staff, Linden Farm who provide support for some of our bakers. Huge thanks to all!
From top L-R :
Cindy, Colin (our Treasurer), Gaynor (with Luke),Vicky, Mark, Sharon, Bob, Lucy (with Francis - hooves and mane), Harry (with Stephen), Beth (with Sophie), Grainne and Simon, Cailin, Mark (with Lucy), Katy (with Alison), Jo, Julie and Annalees, Lindsay (with Alison), Victoria (with Jeremy), Caroline, Sharon (with Grace), Viv, Grainne
Please contact us ( if you would like to volunteer in some capacity.